So I get a call about a week ago and he said he wanted to do it. I said to him, I'd rather he send me photos and I can do a nice drawing that he can frame rather than a five minute sketch. He was up for that.
So he tells me where to meet up. So I do my thing drawing of them up, show up at the restaurant. I end up drawing a bunch of the staff there. So they get there. There is four of them, his best buddy and his wife too. I have a little sign I hand drew while I waited, "Free Caricatures by Mugshotz" She was up for it but the girls needed to head to rest room. He's nervous as a soldier heading off to war. I tell a few jokes and remind him he needs to get on one knee of the proposal isn't legal etc.
So she comes back... completely clueless I can tell. He's nervously laughing at all my stupid jokes. I actually start a live sketch of them even though he's just a wreck. I get through his face in a few minutes trying to calm the poor fella down the whole time with little stories of his hometown where I drew for a few days etc... So I finally got through that and then I say "Alright... I can't do this any longer and pull out the studio drawing... her reaction...
"Shut the #*@% Up!" "This is a joke right?" "This has to be a joke" ... he gets on one knee and she starts crying... and bobs her head... "YES!!!"

The color on the scan seems to be washed out.. but here they are...

That's one I've never done before.... lots of fun. I was starting to get nervous for him. I'm so glad she said Yes. He seemed like a good guy. Best of everything Jon and Lauren!!
What do you think would have happened if she'd said: "Are you kidding me? No way am I going to marry you!" Would he still have paid you?
I keep waiting for some lady to do that when they do the same thing on the jumbotron at a pro sporting event.
Awesome! I bookmarked your page in case to propose in the future. Can't go wrong w/ such caricature.
Did you check out yet? It's a social network just for caricature. You can build a cool website for yourself (e.g.
to show off your work as well as advertise your services to other caricature enthusiasts. A perfect place for you superb artwork
Great story man, one to tell the grand kids!
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